Attack of the The Eye Creatures



Attack of the The Eye Creatures

又名: The Eye Creatures

导演: Larry Buchanan

主演: John Ashley,/Cynthia Hull/Warren Hammack

类型: 恐怖

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 78min

IMDb链接: tt0059161


"The Eye Creatures" is based on the slightly less ridiculous 1957 movie "Invasion of the Saucer Men," and is less an homage as an exact carbon copy, reproducing basically the same characters, scenes and lines, only worse. The one chance that "Eye Creatures" had at improving over the original involves the monsters and the way they are defeated (not to give anything away) but is squandered with the poor production values present. Eye creatures wearing only the mask of their outfit, or running around is comfortable tennis shoes destroy any possibility of respect for this film. Luckily this movie is short enough to be amusing, without stretching on into grating. Best watched on Mystery Science Theater, if possible.
关键词:Attack of the The Eye Creatures